
A conservative news and views blog.

Location: St. Louis, Missouri, United States

Friday, June 09, 2006

Medical Endgame

I knew it was coming; the whole Terri Schiavo/assisted suicide debate would inevitably produce a call for involuntary assisted suicide. An Ethicist in Britain has crossed the Rubicon, and is advocating giving Doctors the power to legally terminate the lives they judge unworthy.

Humanism has always been about usurping the Godhead, and the power to grant death is their feeble substitute for the authority of the Creator. Man is the final authority, in the view of the Left, and exercising control over death grants Man Godlike power.

It`s all well and good, until you, the fallen anointed, have outlived your usefulness and they come to exercise their power over YOU.

A world governed purely by Man would be a horrifying place.



Blogger Alnot said...

When this is legalized people will have to stay with their elderly relatives constantly to prevent the Dr Death Crusaders from cruising for victims. In one european country a man's mother was in for a minor surgery and was snuffed out by a so called Doc making the rounds with his lethal injection kit. He ignored her medical orders and got away with murder.

10:23 PM  

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