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Location: St. Louis, Missouri, United States

Thursday, December 14, 2006

The Crimes of Ras-Putin

``Behind every great fortune there is a crime``


Thomas Lifson discusses Putin`s plan to dominate energy in a nice piece this morning at the American Thinker. As you may remember, I touched briefly on this in my article about the demise of Russia at AT a few months back; Putin and the Russian government are very serious about cornering the market on energy and energy technology, and the Al Capone tactics being employed against Shell Oil should not surprise anyone. Put has slipped into the role of Godfather(or Fuehrer) remarkably easily from his former occupation (KGB thug and communist) and he intuitively understands that he will get away with this, since Russian oil is vital to world markets. Of course, he shows a complete ignorance of wealth-what it is and how it is acquired. Such actions will ultimately damage the Russian economy, but Comrade Putin and his Dancing Teeth doesn`t care about the long term; he is interested (much like Hitler) in stoking the fires of Nationalism to cement his power.

If Putin were a true leader he would encourage more foreign investments, since Russia is not capable of developing her own resources. This would bring wealth into the country and perhaps reverse the trend toward Russian self-extinction vis-a-vis infertility. THAT is the real danger facing the Great Bear; foreign development of Russian resources is hardly a long-term problem, and the Russians can corner the market on energy all they like to no avail if there aren`t any Russians left in 50 years. An economically successful Russia will breed hope in her people, which will hopefully lead her people to breed. Children represent hope for the future; Russia (and Europe) has lost her hope and the thuggish behavior of Putin steals what little that remains. Russia endured the Tsars (some of whom were quite tyrannical), then the Bolsheviks, and now they have Ras-Putin, Commissar of All-The-Russias and principle nogoodnick. Why should the Russian people bring children into such a world? Who would want to condemn their children to an eternal gulag, to poverty, to unfairness, despotism and crime?

Russia desperately needs an Orange Revolution.

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